Personal “Egypt”
With the past 72 hours we have been shifting through some deep reversal systems.
Alchemizing black magic back into the light.
Within this process of Alchemy it can feel like “the dark night of the soul” as unresolved & hidden subconscious shadow aspects of self & collective shadow fragments feel this energetic wave.
As we awaken from our collective slumber we witness our own personal “Egypt”.
Chains, cycles & blockages that keep us bound in suffering & enslavement amplify as the old illusions of security dissolve.
Each time we choose to break free from these cycles we create a mass ripple effect that is now crumbling these systems that have kept humanity bound in this enslavement frequency.
Another wave within this crack in the system(s) is about to hit HARD & fast- listen to your internal compass.
The Djed pillar of Osiris is in the process of resurrection.
The Son or Sun pending on your perception of the frequency now atones us to the re-birth of the sacred masculine, also known as the son/sun.
The Eye of Horus un-veils utterances & spells in the pyramid texts that have been hidden out of sight by the deep state.
Humanity gains wisdom & knowing to the deep occult extension that has affected every part of life on this planet & with-in the Cosmos.
As above, so below.
Through this reclamation the Cosmic Law of 1- restores the liberation of Christ Consciousness in all beings whom choose this soul retrieval.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”