
When we consciously retrace the subconscious we awaken dormant wisdom that connects us to some of the deepest “fragments” & wisdom of ourselves.

Our ancestors have spoken of star origins that extended the time-lines of the history we have been taught & told.

Shamanic teaching has always had a direct knowing & connection to the stars. As above, so below.

As we deepen our connection with-in & transmute belief systems that were ingrained from the moment of our conception, we expand into a conscious awareness that un-veils our organic history origins & imprints.

Our ancestors have paved the luminous path that calls us forward.

 It is our responsibility to awaken its trail of footsteps in the dark & embody the wisdom that has been “seeded”.

Are you being guided to re-trace your Galactic origins?

Have you been called to answer your roots of Shamanism?

Has your Galactic lineage been guiding you Home?

Feeling the call for this 7-week training? Connect below:

Week 1: Ancestors of Earth & Sky

💫 Living Library & Earth Kingdom(s)

💫 7 Arrows Transmission

💫 Milk Lineage & Galactic Lineage Re-memberance

Week 2: Body Wisdom & The Brain

💫 Command Center & the 4 Brains

💫 Working with the medicine of the Cosmic Serpent

💫 Tantric Body & Breath Awakening

Week 3: Luminous field & The Matrix

💫 Luminous Body Awareness & Activation

💫 Exposing "Fear" & Illusion

💫 Dismantling Field(s)

Week 4: Symbolism, Activations & Transmissions

💫 Channel & Symbolism

💫 Akashic Transmission- Galactic Origins

💫 Galactic Royal Houses organic imprint & inversions

Week 5: Illumination & Energy Re-weaving

💫 5 Bands of Protection

💫 Energy Tracking

💫 Ancestral Karmic Blue-print & Soul Fragment

Week 6: Dimensional Infusion

💫 Clearing & Opening through Portal(s)

💫 Clearing & Soul Retrieval

💫 Portal(s) Clearing & Transiting Spirit

Week 7: Sol-ar Consciousness

💫 Sol-ar Cosmic Womb

💫 Womb Ancestral Clearing

💫 Sol-ar template & Resurrection

With many requests for Galactic Shamanism, while we are on maternity leave we have created an online recorded portal hub for this 7 week training!

This can be accessed at your own time, pace & alignment. We encourage taking your time through the 7 week training material. Upon registration you will receive a week-to week zoom recording, with PDF files that align with the weekly training materials. Please note the Akashic field is accessed during this training.

Each week you will have inner & outer light-“work” to complete & integrate from each training.

This training is a commitment & will require devotion.

“Trust the knowing without knowing”