Many of us are presently awakening to how we still operate out of fear & survival.
We are witnessing it in different ways & aspects of our lives.
As with-in so with-out.
These habits of survival…many in which we have been conditioned into are directly surfacing NOW to be transmuted & alchemized.
Those whom are lineage breakers are ushering in a new consciousness which is shifting this collective enslavement paradigm.
What habits keep you feeling "secure"?
Often times these habits we consciously & or unconsciously choose are the "symptoms" & unconscious habits that keep us entrapt in the karmic cycles of enslavement, survival & suffering.
When we feel the need to be secure…we clearly don't feel safe.
"Fish don't notice the water they swim in" 🌊
We are presently being guided to invert the priorities of the ego to the souls essence.
Inner guidance will often times seem to disregaurd the otherwise convincing realities of the outer world.
Our inner wisdom holds allegiance to a deepper truth than apperance can convey.
This is divine intervention.
The masses are awakening.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”