Lindsay M from Toronto:
I’m so grateful that I was introduced to Brittany a few years ago. She has been a blazing guide on my spiritual journey while I was uprooting and navigating many life changes. I highly recommend any of her powerful offerings. I’m always left feeling more whole, compassionate with myself and with a clear awareness of my truth as I receive all the guidance and support to reflect inward. The recent womb portal was a journey in reclaiming and bringing light to the deepest parts of myself and I feel anew and a beautiful rebirth once that bridge has been crossed. Brittany is a powerful force while holding the highest feminine frequencies emanating love, compassion and wisdom.
Erin L:
As a medium and someone who has been doing this work for all of my life, I felt the nudge to look for some training in the Akashic Halls which were already opening without my full understanding of what was happening. When I seen a post for Brittany’s course I immediately felt the alignment. The Akashic training lead me to also the Galactic Shamanism & then her new course on womb healing. I have never felt more connected, aware and awakened. The pieces that I couldn’t connect were magically made clear, I woke up one day and said everything I brighter and sharper. My own anxiety calmed the clearer things got. Ancestral healing that was sitting there has been healed, clients are experiencing deeper healing sessions, timelines are shifting before my very eyes most days. I would definitely recommend these courses as they have been life changers for my self, my family, my ancestral line and those I work with.
Mayra from Las Vegas:
I recently took Brittany's Akashic Records class and it has been a transformative experience!
Through access to Akashic Records and Brittany's gentleness of creating a safe container, I've been able to dive deeper into my shadow aspects which has brought a lot of healing and awareness!
As I've experienced healing and awareness, pathways to a higher timeline in love, joy, health and abundance has been opening up! I feel that all of the positive recent changes in my life and in me has been in part for being a part of Brittany's safe container and accessing Akashic Records! The skills and knowledge is something that I will carry in my heart and I'm very deeply grateful for Brittany for creating such a wonderful & safe space for healing & transformation!!! Thank you Brittany!!! If you are considering taking this course, please do so, you will be most grateful for this!!!
Andrea from St Thomas:
Going into this retreat I really had no expectations other than the work I had previously done with Brittany and how powerful that was.
Now having had this experience I can say this was life changing!!! In this healing I found my voice, my power and even more, community with the lovely sisters and brothers who I will be now forever connected!!
With the many, many lessons during this retreat of learning to let go of control and trust you will always find your way, has initiated in me a completely different perspective and has created a sense of peace and confidence in my souls path! I feel so excited to see what comes now…. Thank you, thank you to you Brittany and to all of those who I got to meet in this container. I know you see me and I see you!!!!! ❤️❤️
Rebecca from London:
"A conversation with someone today made me realize how much of my mental transformation is attributed to you. Your exceptional spiritual wisdom, patience, and guidance have been the stepping stones I needed to connect with myself on a deeper level.
The trip to Arizona opened up not only new connections and friendships but a completely new world, and a part of myself that was waiting to be explored.
Since then, I have learned so much about myself. How I navigate the world, how to give myself grace and patience, the way I communicate, and what I will allow myself to accept or not accept from others. I know myself in a way that not many get the fortune of being able to understand themselves.
Not everyone can comprehend or realize the gravity of the work you do, but it really is life changing, so this is just a random thank you"- Rebecca V
Olanna from California:
"Brittany, thank you for all you have taught me. If you knew the ripple effects it had on all the people I have helped, you would be full of tears of joy.
Your teachings & healings through me have healed so many more than you realize.
That beauty, shine & sparkle that I see in peoples eyes, in their transformations...you are surrounded by sparkling light. Thank you. "
Ernie K from London:
“I was connected with Brittany several years ago, thru another soul worker that highly recommended brittany. Being new to the realm of awareness, consciousness, energy and soul work I wasn’t sure what to expect. Needless to say, meeting Brittany and working with her has been life changing. Her authenticity and love was felt immediately. As a man, navigating these realms and placing healing and growth at the forefront of all I do, having Brittany in my corner is a true blessing. Recently she facilitated a soul clearing with me and the impacts of shedding certain layers of my past has been huge. If you are in search of someone to walk alongside you on your healing journey, Brittany is the one. A truly special being and bringer of light. Thank you a million times. I am grateful for you!”
Taylor A from London:
After being connected with you through Ali, the both of you opened my eyes to the missing piece of my healing journey that just made everything click. After years of struggling physically and mentally with some, but not enough, help from Western medicine I felt defeated and couldn't understand why nobody could give me helpful answers or resolutions. Then finally when I attended your "So you're an empath" workshop, it was an epiphany moment. Then continuing to learn about energy work, grounding, breath work and practicing for myself, l was finding the answers I've been looking for and have been able to walk the path towards alignment. I'm so grateful for the compassionate, non-judgmental, safe space that you've allowed me to be apart of and grow within.
And Aurora 🐶 is also greatful for the help she's received as well.”
Sarah S from London:
“I'm so grateful to have crossed paths with you. Working with you both in 1:1 sessions and in group sound healing has helped shift and grow in a tremendous way. I was aware of the general idea of what I could do to heal but didn't know where to start, had fears that I would do it wrong or that I would somehow fail at my "self work". Working with Brittany helped me feel confident to being some healing work. I appreciate her advice and encouragement on utilizing meditation, energy clearing, breathwork, nourishment, rest and recovery. My pets have also benefitted from sessions helping our family as a whole grow and recover. I am thankful .”💕🙏
Lyndsey G from Durham:
RABBIT WHOLE HOLISTIC HAS been a huge part of my life since a truly life changing experience in my personal life.
I felt lost scared for my children and had no direction after strong consideration of returning to familiar habits to numb the pain or consideration of leaving this world.
My children didn’t have to take care of me in the shape I was in... Curtis Caswell entered my life and strongly suggested as he does to so many of us to see this amazing friend of his BRITTANY ROSELLE from RABBIT WHOLE HOLISTICS from Owen sound.
Not knowing what to expect in any way because god spirituality and anything healing myself was far from my knowledge as I grew up believing in the medical systems to save me or FIX me in some way.
After an injury that left me paralyzed in certain weather conditions and 14 medications injections and whatever else I was requested at the hands of WSIB and my doctors I had completely given up.
Scurried complex regional pain syndrome drop foot and threats of wheel chair and no use of my legs I knew something had to change.
Pills didn’t help alcohol didn’t help I was at a loss.
I went and seen Brittany for the first time 3 years ago now and life has dramatically changed my outlook on life has drastically changed. I have been to many different events and have utilized every aspect of Rabbit whole Holistics.
Hands on healing and in person treatment are amongst my favourite Brittany’s gentle guidance and encouragement are beyond words.
I have full confidence in each and every journey I have experienced. I have taken my mother who in her 20s, lost her sense of smell went through an enormous shift and was actually able to smell 👃 her mothers perfume who has long since crossed over.
I have also asked BRITTANY ROSELLE for much needed guidance on a almost traumatic and fatal situation with my dog whom I now see was holding a lot of my hurt and pain from the last three years I called Brittany and she said midnight was communicating pressure in her abdomen I immediately took her to seek medical care and she had serious condition called Pyometra and was hours from crossing after a 3 hour surgery and a six pound growth removed.
Wih the help of Brittany we saved midnight and she is doing better then ever.
I have since had the pleasure of taking many courses, and had the absolute pleasure of going to Arizona on an incredibly life changing retreat having the pleasure of gaining balance and trust in both female and male relationships through the connection of Kris Smith and his incredible knowledge and expertise he has brought on board I could net recommend it.
or even just some healthier products and shares on new outlooks ways to change our perceptions 🙏🙏🙏reach out to RABBIT WHOLE HOLISTICS
Cheryl S from Sudbury:
“It's been just over a year since I was Divinely guided to Brittany Roselle . I had done one small guided online meditation with her but the week my mother was in the hospital and about to transition I was guided to take the healing she was offering. I was very closed off. Opening up to strangers wasn't anything I could do And I kept my camera off during the zoom. At the end of it though I needed to share what I was going through with my mom and I had been surprised that my mom hadn't crossed over yet. Britney's intuition and guides directed her to explain to me why and following the suggestion of the technique that I had learned my mother passed away that night.
Fast forward a few months and she was offering an online training course that I felt called to and during that course and that training I discovered many things that I didn't realize I had been struggling with and began taking my power back in so many ways. During that training she sent me an email and told me about the retreat in Sedona in April. At first I was resistant because I hadn't traveled in a while and really wasn't sure what it was all about however Sedona has always had a hook in my heart and I was able to do an investment plan to pay for the trip and scored a really awesome deal for the flight. That singular trip to Sedona has forever changed my life. I am not the same woman as I was before I went in many aspects. My fear and trust issues with women has all but disappeared and because of that trip I came face to face with every single fear I had, every judgment I worried about, truly life-changing when I look back on it and see how universe, spirit, God, angels, archangels, my divine galactic family, helped me every single step of that trip. If in your heart you feel that there are things you need to heal, something just doesn't feel right inside, from the depths of my soul I truly beseech you to reach out to Brittany and talk to her and find the right healing that will work for you. These retreats are no joke. This healing work is life-changing. And worth every bit of the experience that you will have. I am forever grateful.”
Nicole V from Alberta:
“ have a hard time putting into words just how powerful of an impact Brittany has had on my life. She has provided me with the most warm and heartfelt guidance along my path and has opened me up to a profound level of understanding and love for myself and everything/everyone around me.
The most recent workshop I have done with Brittany is the Tantra Awakening. What a journey!!!
The awareness that came out of this workshop was completely mind blowing, and the healing that takes place ripples to places beyond comprehension. Watching and feeling the integration take place has given me a deep level of respect for her work and how she heals others/teaches us to heal ourselves.”
Natalie Ossa from Toronto:
“ I feel so fortunate to have been able to take a few of Brittany's INCREDIBLE trainings, AMAZING online events and EYE OPENING one on one Akashic sessions with her in the past 6 months. I was seeing a therapist before Brittany and immediately stopped soon after because I realized that I was getting so much more healing through her classes and sessions. It was amazing to see the changes / transformations that I have gone through, so many realizations. It's all within us but she is able to take you on a soul level journey where you are able to expand on a deeper level more than you ever thought you could. Brittany's gentle guidance and teaching format allows for a safe space filled with so much love and knowledge. She is absolutely amazing and understanding. If you are ready for spiritual growth or looking for a deeper understanding then I highly recommend Brittany for this journey. "
Ginger Rose from London: This journey is not for the faint of heart. This journey is raw and deep and dark in the best most soul expanding way. These sessions brought truths and magic and energy and more confidence in my own intuition and love. There were moments that were so huge and moments so lovely that after each session I could hardly wait for the replay so I could go over the knowledge again. The frequency of Brittany during these session's was so life changing she wove around us a safe energetic container that gave us the freedom to feel to witness to love and laugh and support. And these word's I am writing do not even do justice to the amount of love and guidance that she gave so generously too us during these weeks together..
This was the second time I have taken the Galactic Shamanism sessions and I will join again for the third time when Brittany decides to offer these sessions again..🌟”
Marley Rose from Bali:
"I don't even know where to begin with a review, Brittany has honestly changed my life and I don't know where I would be without her guidance and wisdom. I refer to her as a true angel!!! No matter what I am struggling with, love, business, trauma, relationships, Brittany always has been there for me and supported me. I am so grateful for her, and her power.
I am so excited to continue my spiritual journey with her, supported and empowered! I recommend her to EVERYONE!".
Paige from Owen Sound:
"Oh man, where to start
Brittany is like no other. You just automatically get drawn to her and you know you are going to be in for amazing things
My husband, 12 year old daughter and myself have all had a Soul Path Reiki Session with Brittany and we all walked away with incredible experiences. I could go on for sure!!
But I really wanted to tell you about how Brittany’s workshops and events have made such an impact on not only me but my 12 year daughter️
I’ve taken a few workshops with Brittany and I always walk away with such amazing knowledge and tools to help empower myself throughout my everyday and I knew I wanted this for my children as well.
Just recently my daughter and I took Brittany’s “So You Are An Empath” workshop at Kokoro and we both absolutely loved it!
My daughter couldn’t stop talking about the workshop and what she had all learned all the way home and then was teaching her dad all about what she had learned.
....And the notes she took..whoa
Her exact words were “I can’t wait to learn even more”
It warms my heart to know that Brittany offers workshops, events and services for every age to help set people up for amazing success with learning who we are FULLY and COMPLETELY and really step into our power
Thank you so much Brittany for teaching my daughter (and myself) such amazing tools that will help not only her throughout her life...but those around her as well ️
Ali Craig from London:
"I don’t really have the words to describe how infinitely grateful I am to have crossed paths with Brittany. From the second I met her I knew I could trust her to support and guide me on my healing journey. The gifts she posses are so uniquely her and I am so thankful that I get to be in her presence. I always look forward to our sessions, I always feel lighter after leaving our sessions and anytime I reach out in the midst of a breakdown she is always there to support me with kind, positive and encouraging words. I am not going to lie and say this work is easy by any means — but she has fully supported me along the way. I will never regret stepping forward into my healing and my growth knowing I have her support and strength within myself. Brittany I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I know we have the power to heal ourselves and only we can truly heal ourselves but your guidance is the greatest gift. I appreciate you more than you know! "
Kara Davison from Thornbury:
"I recently had an Akashic Reading with Brittany Rozel and it was INCREDIBLE. I experienced deep healing and realizations and felt so supported all the way through. My session was nothing short of MAGIC "
Su Davey from United Kingdom:
"I had an akashic records reading and wow, amazing, lots of questions answered and blocks cleared. I highly recommend getting a reading done, it is life changing ".
Tricia Woods from Owen Sound:
"I met Brittany in July 2019 during a very challenging time in my life. I was seeking guidance, and not quite ready to commit to a Soul Path Reiki session (which I was drawn to), I booked a card reading. From the beginning of our first meeting I knew that Brittany was gifted.
It wasn't long after the card reading that I had my first Soul Path through Reiki session with her, which marked the beginning of a life-changing journey of self-discovery.
In my experience, each session lasts between two to three hours. Each session begins with a chat where Brittany guides you with her keen intuition to identify current "challenges" that are blocking you in certain situations, or preventing you from seeing things differently. Brittany is unjudgmental, serving as a guide to help you look within. You then set intentions for your session (most of which will definitely arise from your chat).
I have had both in-person and distance sessions. Since as I write this we are currently physically distancing, I will talk about distance sessions. What happens is after your chat with Brittany she will let you know when she is going to start her energy work on you (typically 15 minutes after your chat). You will set up your space however you feel most comfortable, while she sets up hers (I usually lie on a yoga mat, burn incense, and sometimes pick a crystal to have near me). The energy work usually lasts an hour, so you can set an alarm, or just "go with it" and come out of the meditative state naturally.
What you will experience in the sessions will be unique to you, but something will happen. I have felt energetic shifts that have removed blockages, helping me to see things differently, which has changed me. It is a little difficult to explain...it is something that you have to experience to understand.
After the energy work is completed, you will message Brittany (or she will message you), and she will contact you again to discuss your experience. She will let you know what she saw, and you will find extraordinary synchronicities in your experiences in most cases. Your talk will circle back to the things you talked about before the session and next steps will be revealed.
Chances are if you have read this far you have a real interest in trying a session. I urge you to take the leap...the worst that can happen is that you try it and discover that it isn't for you and then you will know. I for one, am forever thankful that I took the leap.
I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Please comment below if you want to ask me anything and we can connect!"
Katie Slater from Owen Sound:
"Brittany is an exceptional teacher and healer. She holds space for growth and deepening an authentic connection. Her nonjudgemental and accepting approach encourages healing and awakening. Brittany brings kindness and wisdom to her practice; validating in the most inclusive way. Her care and compassion goes above and beyond always with a great sense of humour! It would be an understatement, to say that she is dedicated to her clients and practice- she truly embodies this work.
Despite skepticism and fears, I decided to say yes to her course, Soul Path Through Reiki Program. I am forever grateful! I was beyond surprised to realize that what I was saying yes to was my trust in myself as we embarked on the most loving journey of self discovery. I came to the course feeling a strong disconnect and loneliness despite my blessed life filled with the most loving and caring people! With the greatest gentleness and love, this course strips down unhelpful fears, patterns and beliefs, inviting authentic connection to self. I was looking at my world around me asking why I felt such a disconnect, and it wasn’t until I looked inward that I found the disconnect laid within me. It’s a beautiful journey of self discovery. It allowed my head and heart to become one.
In the course you find yourself connecting with other beautiful people looking to walk this path with you! It ishas an abundance of different tools such as meditations, group discussion, workbook, journaling, videos, and SOOOO MUCH more. It is one of those courses you could take over and over again always getting more out of it! Such a variety of tools and ways growing wisdom!
It’s a true “coming home” story! I would encourage everyone to trust and also say yes to this course.
Forever grateful. Sending compassion and love "
Teresa Weir from Meaford:
"I am so Greatful to Brittany! She is extremely KNOWLEDGEABLE in many different areas including but not limited to: Meditation, Forgiveness, Womb and Soul Healing, Shadow Work, Tarot Card Readings, Life Records, and so much more. Beautiful Soul Sister, I am blessed that you are always there for me."
Curtis Caswell from Durham:
“ When I first met Brittany I actually ran into her💥. She was coming out of one room and I was walking by going to another room. She felt like a long lost sister… At the time, I felt lost because I started questioning life and everything around me. Feeling like an outsider because I no longer wanted to partake in self sabotaging things, like the society norms. I no longer wanted to have surface level conversations. It was lonely and depressing at first, losing people that were in my life. Right when I was about to fall back into society, we had a conversation where someone I felt could finally understand me. Not only understand me, but help me. I asked her what she did and she said it was hard to explain… I said try me… So I ended up receiving a healing session where she helped me take down a huge “heart wall” that I put up after a crazy breakup and going to the psych ward, not trusting anyone other than my dad and sister.
After that session, I knew she was gifted and I wanted to learn and soak up as much from her that I could!! So I attended every class that she taught and am forever grateful for her existence!! She taught me about empathy, shadow work, soul path integration, akashic records, galactic shamanism and many more.
On top of those courses and classes, I would still get healing sessions, when my soul felt beat up or my energy was drained or sometimes my intuition would just know that it was time for an upgrade or activation.
She has been a lifesaver, a beautiful teacher, tell you how it is even if you don’t want to hear it, a soul sister, an amazing guide and healer. She has helped me grow spiritually, when people told me to stay away from it.
Moral of the story… if you resonate with any of this, I recommend getting a session from her, or learn something new if you’re into this kind of stuff. And if you’re not, then that’s cool too 😎
Either way, she has impacted my life and I wanted to share and maybe she can help impact someone else’s that feels called.
Love you always and forever Brittany Roselle 🤗💚🙏💫
Kirstie LK from London:
"I’m really grateful for connecting with Brittany at Rabbit Whole Holistics. She is a divine being who puts in an abundance of love in all the services she provides. I have a long history Of struggling with darkness- I feel completely safe to be absolutely honest and open about my story, knowing that she is not placing any judgment. She has been there to guide and assist me (and many others) To find it within myself, to heal. She has opened channels for me and allowed me to see the light within myself. Brittany has provided me with beautiful tools and meditations to practice ongoing. The dedication she puts into her offerings are admirable and inspiring. She is a mentor of mine and someone I feel so blessed to connect with. The workshops and one on one healings i have taken part of- have been pure light MAGIC! She is truly a gifted practitioner. Brittany is Full of wisdom and information- open to share with everyone to unite more people on a path of inner connection and spirituality. I would highly recommend Rabbit Whole Holistics to anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of our purpose and connection- whether just beginning on this journey of soul integration or advancing she is capable of aligning with you wherever you may be."
Allie Kat from Owen Sound:
“ It is truly hard to put into words how incredible, mind blowing and powerful Brittany is and the work that she does. My first session with Britt was the Soul Path Integration - this session was the start of my journey of healing and finding my way back. She sparked the light that I have been missing for years and has helped me with some deep traumas that I have pushed away (consciously and unconsciously) for a very long time. It is incredible how much deep healing took place after just that one session.
I took Brittany’s Soul Path Integration Course just after the one session I had with her - a testament to how impactful she is on all spectrums. This course is for anyone looking to go deeper within and also be able to help others find their way.
In just 5 months the amount of growth, insight and awareness I have gained is like no other and truly mind blowing! I will forever be grateful for Britt’s endless support, contagious energy and the love and light that she shares. Thank you for helping me find my spark again, and so much more!!
Amanda G from London:
“Wow the last 8 months of working with you have been life changing for both myself and my sweet boy Charlie! It all started when I asked you to do a healing on my Charlie to help him with anxiety and aggression towards other dogs. I was blown away after his session when you knew how old he was when he had been bitten as a puppy by another dog. The words he use with you broke my heart at his trauma. He also expressed to you how he was hold some of my trauma and attempting to help me wake up and remember who I was! Afterwards I signed up for your Akashic Records course and dove deep into past life traumas, generational trauma I held on to and child hood! So so much healing took part each week. At times the works was so heavy and dark however by feeling into and following your guidance I have healed so so much and have remembered who I truly am. I wasn’t aware of how profound that healing was until Charlie had a second healing with you! He was able to let go of my traumas and heal his own, his anxiety levels were down, his heart was more open and he was so proud of the work we were doing together! Around this time I also signed up for your Galactic Shaman course and was incorporating sound healings, protecting and clearing both our energy and our homes energy! The most amazing thing then happened Charlie went to the groomers and was able to run around her back yard with another dog with no aggression towards the others dog! He returned home happy and beaming and I had tears of joy at the amazing work the two of us have done together! I am currently in your Soul Path Integration course and can not wait to start doing energy healings on the two of us! Thank you for all the guidance and wisdom and for holding space for Charlie and I as we heal and remember.
Candace from Grey Bruce:
"I signed up for the Shakti Portal workshop because I am someone who pays fairly close attention to astrology and the up coming energies for the months ahead. I particularly feel quite sensitive to these energies so when I was made aware that Nov and Dec were due to be "heavy hitters" energetically I figured it would be beneficial to pour my energy into something rather then let it run rapid without clear direction. Long behold this was some of the deepest, and difficult work to have shined light on. Words can't express the emotions I felt during this journey. Quite frankly it brought me to my knees multiple times weekly, yet I still showed up for class. I also had my most power meditation experience to date. I ended up pulling back with fear but I think that shows I need to trust myself more. I felt like I was being taken upon a ship and my physical body was unable to move yet i was levitating. I'm still processing it all but when looking back it was nothing but a beautiful experience. I was scared of going too far and not being able to get back if that makes sense?
Anyways all that aside, our last session we had my subconscious took over majoritly. I was in and out alot. I don't recall words you were saying but I feel like every time you switched a colour or a topic It brought me from a deep state of hypnosis to a whoosh and then super present moment of consciousness. I felt alot of lightness and just pure light energy in me and all around me.
I have the deepest knowing that this was beyond powerful and healing for me and I thank-you from the bottom of my heart
I love you
I appreciate you
I thank you