Are you being called to the Akashic field?
What are the akashic records?
The Akashic records come from the word Akasha.
The Akasha is the energy field of divine source in which is connected through everything that has ever and will ever exist ( Past, Present & ProbableFuture).
When we go into your Akashic Records we go into your "Hall of Records".
The matrix of the Akasha fields holographic data sustains photographic files containing all experiences with-in each & every dimension, star system, galaxy & universe. Our personal files contain individual experiences with-in our cellular memory from this life & all life-times.
You hold the key to the depths of your cellular memory.
Once entering your records you will be connected with your own personal Akashic Records guides & divine ancestors.
Everything and anything is stored in the Akashic Records.
The real power of the records lies in its ability to assist you on your path at the present time.
Re-member on your journey you can not hold an old vibration with a new vibration.
Accessing the Akashic Records can assist you in a multitude of ways:
Clearing contracts & vows
Soul Gift Retrieval
Past Life trauma/wound
Soul Fragment retrieval
Abundance blocks
Clearing Karmic Cycles & Blocks
Childhood Fragment Healing
If you are feeling drawn to the Akashic Records there is without a doubt a deep rooted reason.
Is it time to go deeper into the truth of who you are?
Is it time to release old patterns that no longer serve you?
Is it time to release vows or contracts that no longer apply to this life at the present time?
Are you ready to dive deep into the Akashic field?
Check in below to register: