We do not read the Akashic Halls, we remember them.
Every experience we have ever had, from every time-line, past, present & future & in every dimension are held within the Akashic records.
The name Akashic comes from the word Akasha. Akasha is the field of Divine energy in which everything exists with-in our universe. In Sanskrit the word Akasha means essence. It is our souls “essence” that becomes the manifested form we take on life-time to life-time. Energy can not be destroyed, it always changes form.
The akashic energy is of the etheric plane of existence; it envelopes and transcends all linear time & space. Many of us are beginning to Re-member our multidimensional nature. We are beginning to remember that time has never been a linear process.
Many of us have been feeling called to the deep soul remembrance & re-connection to the Akashic halls.
With maternity leave on the horizon & with so much interest in Rabbit Whole Holistics Akashic training we have put together an 8 week Akashic training series that can be completed at your own convince from the comfort of your home.
As many of us are aware the very “essence” of linear time & space is collapsing, and with in its collapse we are being guided back to the restoration to true spiral energy of “time” & matter.
Really the Akashic has never made more “sense” than in this present time. We are beginning to understand the true principal of Universal Law through cause & effect & its impacts on karmic time & space.
The Akashic or the book of all life, very much so like our sacred vessels, is a database for memory of our entire universe.
Through this remembrance and awakening we can tap in and restore our memory with-in this sacred field. Restoring this memory activates our true cellular & DNA imprint 🧬
The Akasha field is a living library of past, present & future memory.
This field holds the memory of all frequency. It extends out of a linear form un-veiling unlimited streams of consciousness.
This dimension is of a high frequency where all memory is simultaneously happening at once. This can be a difficult concept for some to grasp initially, but through acceptance and surrender we see there is only now and that now is always.
As many of us are aware the very “essence” of linear time & space is collapsing, and with it the restoration to true spiral energy of all that is.
This book of all life, very much so like our sacred vessels, is a database for memory of our entire universe.
The Akasha Energy field is A powerful ally in guiding & assisting one on their spiritual path of healing & expansion.
This energy field broadens ones vision to hold that of the Creators eye, or “birds” eye view. One may not be able to fully see from human eyes the lesson that is with-in an Earth-walk experience. This energy field will guide & support one into a spiritual view to address the mental, emotional, physical & soul experience of the teachings at hand.
Being in the Akashic energy alone will elevate your frequency. It offers the ability to integrate soul fragments of our emotional, mental, physical & spiritual bodies.
The more you choose to visit into this sacred field the more old habits and patterns will start to shed & transform.
Each of us have an Akashic team of guides that assists & navigates us with-in this field, showing us the ways to deepen our self-awareness & self-healing abilities.
When most begin to connect in with this energy field it will be presented in a library “structured” form with books & scrolls; even ancient tablets for some. Over time this may transition into the multi-dimensional nature that it is with-out “form” and is of only divine pure energy. Often times you will find yourself with-in multiple “time” lines of energy at once. Learning to navigate, and return safely from these multi dimensional experiences void of time or space or any social afflictions or constraints, is a practice that requires great devotion and power.
This accessible healing tool has had a tremendous effect on my personal life and I am honoured to answer the call of guiding others to activate & navigate this energy field.
Connect below for the lay-out of this training:
Week 1:
What are the Akashic Records?
Addressing personal blocks to Source & Intuition through The Clair’s
Akashic self initiation key
Initiation of Soul Star & Stellar Gateway Chakras
Week 2:
Alignment to Akashic Guides & Guardians
Navigating the Akashic Field
Week 3: Integration Week Akashic Transmission
Week 4:
Contracts & Vows
Time-Line Healing
Childhood Blocks & Belief Systems
Week 5:
Soul Gift Retrieval
Clearing & Integrating Abundance Blocks
Week 6: Integration Week Akashic Transmission
Week 7:
Ripple Effect
Quantum healing method- Blueprint of the etheric bodies
BONUS Week 8:
Umbilicus Reset
What you can expect:
Upon registration you will be sent 8 weeks of training material. This will consist of PDF file formats & zoom recordings.
We recommend taking your time with each zoom class & integrating week to week.
Not only is this training a mass benefit to your own personal growth & development but many who have taken this training in the past now facilitate their own 1:1 Akashic record sessions.
This investment is worth it if you are ready to expand your inner gifts & intuition.
If you have been feeling “stuck” in your present reality, often times energetic vows/contracts are ready to be transmuted. This will guide you to the Akashic energy for clearing, healing & re-alinging to your souls purpose.
Common vows & contracts that will present themselves in this present reality:
Vows/Contracts of poverty/scarcity
Vows/Contracts self punishment through unfulfilling jobs
Vows/Contracts putting yourself last
Vows/Contracts obedience
Vows/Contracts inability to have long term fulfilling relationships or isolation
Vows/Contacts around ownership/ planetary dimensional ownership
Vows/Contracts of persecution & keeping silent
Vows/Contracts repression of intuition & soul gifts
Vows/Contracts relating to co-dependency & celibacy
Vows/Contracts of disconnection to Source/God or vow of loyalty to a specific religion
Vows/Contracts of abandonment or rejection of sexual energy
Vows/Contracts connected to karmic ancestral curses, spells & bindings
This self-initiation into the Akashic field will provide you with the ability to expand and embark upon your own journeys or to assist others in their own personal healing process. If you are looking to expand your intuition & the gifts the universe has instilled in you, this door-way into the Akasha field is awaiting your return.
I look forward to assisting you in accepting the gifts you hold by birth-right.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”
Check in below for this life changing training: