This healing modality assists one in shedding layers, raising vibration & soul fragment retrieval.
Through this form of healing we connect with divine source to navigate into the root of trauma, wound & trapped emotion.
Through deep release, transmuting of energy & integration this guides one into soul fragment retrieval.
Energy can not be destroyed it can only be changed.
Your soul will guide & direct energy to integrate on the 4-level system:
💜 Emotional💜 Mental💜 Spiritual💜 Physical
Our soul always gracefully guides us into this deepened healing with grace, nurture & care.
During Soul Path Integration Sessions, one may experience soul fragment retrieval, past-life & time-line recognition, soul gift retrieval, connection & communication, body transformation & self-initiation into expanded consciousness.
Each session will be different to the next, as you open your awareness to your Souls essence & Soul Journey.
Soul Path Integration is for those who are ready to re-claim & dive deep into their WHOLE self.
To Re-member, Re-connect, & Restore acceptance of all soul fragments through the eyes of creator.
Investment: $111.11
Book your session below 💙