"Those who teach us the most about humanity are not always human".
Have you heard of Animal Soul Communcation?
Often times we attribute our furry friends "issues" as their own.
The best part is 99.9% of the time our animal is actually trying to communicate something with us on a soul level.
Often times they are actually transmuting the energy for YOU.
You read it right Yes it involves YOU.
Personally in my own journey & experience I can express some of the greatest teachings I have accessed have come from the creatures of this sacred planet.
In fact the 4 legged ones of my soul family guided me directly to one of my most cherished teachers Angela Martin King.
Deepening our connection with the sacred creatures of this planet not only awakens our inward relationship & acceptance of self; but it also guides us into opening our "eyes" to the connection we hold with-in all energy.
I have experienced many cases where animal connection is the last route that is taken to figure out what is "wrong" with the animal.
Its a beautiful, powerful experience when the energy is cleared from our furry friends & acknowledged with-in the human.
Connections made through Animal Soul Communication may include;
⭐️ Discover aspects of animals past life
⭐️ Communicate with pets who have crossed
⭐️ Awaken conscious connection you share with your animal
⭐️ Discover healing for your animal mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually
⭐️ Deepen your soul connection to your animal
⭐️ Healing & transmuting of energy
⭐️ Food allergies & Physical Aliments
& Much More...
The creatures of Earth are in constant communication with you, Are you choosing to listen?
If you have been curious about what Animal Soul Communcation is here are a few testimonials:
💫I worked with Brittany to connect in with my cat Peach who suddenly become ill , lethargic, and stopped eating or drinking. It was such a moving experience. I feel this healing really helped amplify her health more than just her veterinary recommended treatment. I was able to discover what Peach needed from me long term and what she was struggling with. Our bond became stronger for it, her relationship with the dog got better, and she became even more affectionate and snuggly. So many more positive results too! I wish I knew about this earlier. I highly recommend. ❤️
💫I have worked with Brittany (myself) for 2 years now and when I really began to learn the connection that we hold with our animals and how our animals can transmute energy for us, a lot started to make sense for me. My pups have struggled immensely over the years with allergies, digestive issues, skin issues and despite my efforts to treat holistically and completely shift their lifestyle (which did help) they would still have symptoms from time to time. I decided to get both, Bentley and Winston a session with Brittany to find out what they wanted me to know. What they were feeling. Only to realize that we connect so much deeper with our animals then I could have ever imagined. Brittany was able to relay messages and pin point certain things that they were taking on for me. I cried in both sessions because I couldn’t even believe how powerful this experience was. I am so grateful because I have really started to see B and Winston in a different light. I have asked them to stop transmuting energy for me. I have also grown an interest in wanting to communicate with them deeper. Brittany is such a light and I am so infinitely grateful for her ability to guide not only humans but animals as well. In all honesty, learning that we can communicate with our animals on this level changed my relationship to mine, for the better 💙 I now am in the awareness that when symptoms arise within them I am trying to find the emotional cause or the root of why these symptoms manifested into the physical. truly grateful.
Key Notes:
Investment per case: $133.33
Photo required for each animal case/ individual case
Please note that animal cases are 1 animal per session. Just as you & I our animals have their own direct unique soul signature. Even if the experience involves both of your fur pets, each animal is processing the experience in their own way.
Animal communication sessions can take from 45 minutes to 1 hour with individual direct communication connection. After the completion of your animal soul communication you will be contacted directly to go over the animal case. Please note this can take up to 45 minutes to fully go over the animal case session together.
If you are booking more than one animal case, I am grateful to offer a discounted rate for the second booking. Please contact me directly.
Any information or questions the owner wants to provide is required upon registration please.