Everything is energy!
Sometimes negative energy may become disruptive, stuck & stagnant with-in our homes & spaces.
We often times are unaware of the energies we “take on” & bring home with us or may be unaware of the energies or entities that are already present with-in our homes/spaces.
When negative frequency or negative entity find an entrance point this can lead to an imbalance & unsettling frequency in our home/spaces.
Sometimes clearings can progress into a crossing of frequency.
Clearings do not only happen for transmuting frequency they may also be requested for selling or purchasing a home, property or land.
Distance clearings are effective & will re-store harmony & balance to the occupants of the home, as well as the occupants of the spiritual realm.
If you have any questions about clearings I would be grateful to connect.
**Each clearing is assessed individually
Please book your Free assessment HERE