Wake Up Call

You may have found yourself in a “moody” space over the previous few days as the lunar energy amplifies our shadow sensitivities.

This energetic wave may have brought you into extreme high & lows, depression, fatigue & exhaustion.

Discern your feelings, tune into your surroundings & take accountability & responsibility for your own personal feels.

This celestial alignment has the power to bring massive transformational changes, karmic reward & or to face karmic “repercussions”. 

With the 8:8:8 lions gate on the horizon ancient power struggle & ancestral remembrance are presently at our forefronts. This is an important time to step into ceremony within & listen.

The Lions Gate takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius.

Our ancestral roots un-lock the power struggle of the reversals through the Egyptian origins of the Sirian connection. Those of us whom are here to break these karmic cycles & “deep” states of enchantment or illusion are beginning to tune in deeply to this advanced wisdom.

Our ancestors know “Sirius” to be the gateway to “Heaven” or the portal that enters & exists this earth plane into a higher consciousness.

This spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our multidimensional nature & cuts through the fog of time.

Are you feeling & hearing the “wake” up call?

“Trust the knowing without knowing” 



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