Vulnerability is a Superpower

Vulnerability is a superpower ⚡️

It's easy for our subconscious to 

automatically build heart walls when we have faced dishonesty, betryal, and deciet. 

To keep an open heart, we must be willing to be in a constant state of presence and awareness when energetic walls begin to manifest. 

Learning to trust again is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences.

Vulnerability opens our hearts to true connection, love, creativity, and the deepest empathy.

It awakens courage to connect with others from a guinine space of openness and trust.

Vulnerability guides us to stay true to ourselves & listen to our inner sanctum. 

When we listen to our inner wisdom, we then only allow those proven to be trustworthy to enter.

We can read through deceptive energy and stay centered in the hearts wisdom 🙏. 

“Losing means nothing, if there is nothing to lose.

Freedom from the past is embodied in me now.

The love in me is greater than any pain & or suffering I have ever endured”.

"Trust the knowing without knowing."







Mary- Christ-Mass


You can’t B.S the Universe