Sirian Alignment

For Sirian starseeds, this is an important time.

Our ancient ancestors celebrated at this time the Rising of Sopdet.

What we align to now as New Years, we can go back to 2500 BC.

The rising of Sirius affects multiple grid points on this Earth, also known as ley lines. Many of these temples all over the world "activate" with the rising of Sopdet ( Soul of Isis). This oracle energy is facing a mass reversal.


We are invited into our personification, a renewal or flood of life force energy. These rites of passage bring fertility, new beginnings, purification, and clarity.

The year ahead is about to initiate big changes.

Let this deep remembrance guide you into the esoteric hidden wisdom that resides in you.

"Trust the knowing without knowing."









Self Forgiveness


Mary- Christ-Mass