Emotional Re-minder
You do not heal by bi-passing or repressing how you truly feel.
Being human is a gift, it holds great opportunity to express & experience all feelings.
Bi-passing feelings that you may not ‘“like” or may not seem “spiritual” for example;anger, fear, guilt, shame, sadness, jealously, grief etc.. is not going to move you into a place where you can heal or come to internal peace.
You can not come to a place of forgiveness for self/others by bi-passing or repressing how you truly feel.
Saying all is “love” & “light” when your human self feels differently will create deep internal conflict & in-authenticity.
No feeling is good or bad.
The lesson is in how we flow & move through our feelings with grace, ease & respect.
All feelings are energy & energy can be transmuted & alchemized.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”