Dismantling the Mind Matrix
One word to sum up the week Mind-FUC🌟ery!
✨ Confusion
✨ Delusion
✨ Head Noise & Static energy
✨ Overwhelm & Feeling Un-grounded
✨ Anxiety!!!
Many have been experiencing a challenging time meditating & tuning in-ward this week.
How much of that head noise is directly yours?
There is HUGE segregation, separation & duality coming to light.
How are you choosing to heal this conflict with-in?
As With-in-So With-out.
As this energy shifts & integrates many are coming into a place of direction, action & re-claiming.
This is bringing online the inner-warrior, activating memory that is ready too either flee in fear & or ready to stand up!!
How are giving into feelings/patterns of fear?
What is making you feel like you need to defend yourself?
How are you repressing your voice?
Are you ready to take action from your heart?
Become conscious of people & situations ⚡️ zapping your energy or sense of power 💥.
Make the conscious choice to set healthy boundaries & protect your energy.
Key Note to the present inner-conflict 🕉
Consciousness & energy are dependent upon each other.
Without Shakti-Shiva is a corpse unable to ACT!
FIND the balance with-in.
“Trust the knowing with-out knowing”