Ancient Echoes

The previous 24 hours have surely been an emotional wave for many.

If you have been feeling a sense of grieving & sadness you are not alone.

On a cellular level we are "recycling" past to re-create consciously a new way of being.

For some this may feel like a karmic trench that keeps pulling you consciously into old ways of being.

All it takes is a "lens shift" to witness the seeds that are ready to be planted outside of this self-created trench.

We are the only ones who can take ourself out of the cycles & patterns we continue to choose and release addiction to suffering.

Illuminate the fear that is arising & address the addictive cycle(s) & pattern(s)

Through this illumination you will find the freedom you are seeking outside of self.

On a collective level we are attuning deeply to the ancient teachings imprinted from Egyptian cellular memory.

Within the previous 24 hours an energetic "wave" rippled through the lands- literally shaking up the foundation.

Through an Akashic level we are witnessing the divide of the brotherhood.

The light and darkness separated through the womb of the feminine.

This is arising deep cellular conflict & power struggle. It attunes us to the disconnect of sacred sexuality & the energy of our life force.

If you have been experiencing imbalance within your solar plexus, sacral & throat chakra this bridges us into this cellular collective healing & reclamation of this line.

You may find some disruption & deep clearing taking place within your immune and nervous system as these ancient echoes reconnect you directly to ancient wisdom and roots of your being.

"Trust the knowing without knowing"




Free will of Expression