8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal

Today we have a deep intimate connection to the gateway of universal light as the Earth, Sun, Sirius, Orion & The Grand Central Sun ☀️ align opening the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal.

The Sol-ar Lion energy opens deep channels of communication to our ancestral & galactic families of light.

Today would be the perfect time to make the conscious choice to open your inner channels of communication between the Spiritual realms & Earth realms.

Key energies in alignment with the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal:

🔑 Re-Birth

🔑 Transformation

🔑 Transition

🔑 Manifestation

🔑 Unity

There could be no better time in our collective history to access the portal(s) with-in to ancient truth & history that is yours to remember by birthright.

You came with a roadmap of your life in your soul.

It is time to trust that map.

“Trust the knowing without knowing”


Illusions of the Mind


The breeze of Dawn has secrets to tell you…Don’t fall back asleep-RUMI