8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal
Today we have a deep intimate connection to the gateway of universal light as the Earth, Sun, Sirius, Orion & The Grand Central Sun ☀️ align opening the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal.
The Sol-ar Lion energy opens deep channels of communication to our ancestral & galactic families of light.
Today would be the perfect time to make the conscious choice to open your inner channels of communication between the Spiritual realms & Earth realms.
Key energies in alignment with the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal:
🔑 Re-Birth
🔑 Transformation
🔑 Transition
🔑 Manifestation
🔑 Unity
There could be no better time in our collective history to access the portal(s) with-in to ancient truth & history that is yours to remember by birthright.
You came with a roadmap of your life in your soul.
It is time to trust that map.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”