Clouded Vision
This is going to be a BIG week!
Clouded vision becomes clear as veils of illusion lift from our collective consciousness.
Past collective “traumas” rise to surface as we initiate an opportunity to step out of suffering.
Every veil that lifts or sheds bridges an opportunity to reclaim your personal power & to see beyond what meets the “eye”.
As we enter this time of embodied action, situations will arise to put you out of your comfort zone & re-trigger past “haunts” that still linger in our collective field.
Don’t take everything at face value.
Accepting newfound clarity requires the release of any present or past illusions that have been held onto, be discerning.
Fear & limitation often times keeps us stuck with-in these veils of illusion & suffering, be honest with yourself about external/internal agendas & intentions.
Not is all as it seems.
Step outside the box, Look deep with-in & reclaim your inner strength.
You have the choice in every situation that presents itself to choose Courage over Fear.
The North Node also known as the “Dragons head” is calling each & everyone of us forward.
This soul path is opening to guide you into your deepest soul expression & expansion.
What is calling you forward?
Often times following this soul path doesn’t make logical sense to the mind, it is KNOWN to the heart to be the guiding force.
Bridge the mind as a servant & ally in surrendering to the hearts will.
“Trust the knowing without knowing”